Dr. Kuntla Vagdevi Associate Professor
About myself
Dr. Kuntla Vagdevi, Associate Professor of Physics, joined GRIET in 2005 as an Assistant Professor and has over fifteen years of academic and research experience in Indian universities Dr. K. Vagdevi received her Ph.D. from JNTU Anantapur. Her Ph.D. work was on ‘DFT Calculations for Exploring Graphene Adsorbed with different elements for TCO Applications’, part of which was carried out at Central University Hyderabad, and JNTU Hyderabad.
Dr. Vagdevi’s research interests include developing new Graphene materials used for various Transparent Conducting Oxide materials in which she has more than 10 publications in various journals and conferences.
Prior to PhD, she had earned Master of Science in Physics and Masters of Technology in Space Technology & Applications from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi.
As part of the academic work, she prepared manuals for the labs and handbooks for Engineering Physics, Physics for Engineers and applied Physics subjects.
Office Room no: 3005
Department of Humanities and Basic Science
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology
Bachupally, Hyderabad-500090
Email: vagdevi.kakarla@gmail.com
Curriculam Vitae
Educational Details
Ph.D (Physics), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur. Andhra Pradesh. Supervisor: Prof V.Radhika Devi & Prof K.Venkateswara Rao , JNTU-Hyderabadi (2010-2017)M.Tech. (Space Technology& Applications), Sri Venkateswara University,Tirupathi.Andhra Pradesh. (2001-2003)
M.Sc. (Physics), Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi.Andhra Pradesh. (1999-2001)
Professional Background
Associate Professor (Physics), Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering & Technology, GRIET, Hyderabad, April 2017 tilldate.Assistant Professor (Physics), Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering & Technology, GRIET, Hyderabad,, September 2005 to April 2017 .
Assistant Professor (Physics), Balaji Infotech, BITS, Hindupur, Andhra Pradesh, June 2003 to June 2005
Administrative Experience
Head of the Department (Physics), GRIET from April 2017 to December 2018.Chairman (Board of Studies, Departmental recruitment committee, Physics, GRIET, Hyderabad from April 2017
Group Head, Physics department, GRIET from April 2014 to June 2014.
Member in I B.Tech Admissions from 2014 till date.
Co-ordinator (I B.Tech Mentors) GRIET, Hyderabad from June 2015-June 2017
Engineering Physics Lab incharge, Physics dept. GRIET from June 2011 to june 2012.
Committee Work
Member of Board of studies of Physics DepartmentMember (FIST Project, worth of 100 Lakhs sponsored by DST), GRIET Hyderabad from 2017 till date.
Member (Purchase Committee), GRIET Hyderabad from 2016 till date.
Member, Examination Committee, GRIET, Hyderabad from June 2015-June 2016.
Member (Discipline Committee, GRIET, Hyderabad from June 2016-June 2017.
Member of I B.Tech Internal exams during 2009-2016.
Mentor of I B.tech students from 2015 till date.
Courses Taught
Engineering PhysicsPhysics for Engineers
Applied Physics
Basic Electrical &Electronics
Electronic Devices & Circuits
Microwave Engineering
Radar Engineering
Transmission Lines
1. First Principle study of Tunable band gap in Bilayer Graphene (BLG)”, July 2016, Materials today Proceedings, Elsevier Publications, Scopus Indexed.
2. Negative Differential Conductance in Graphene Layer adsorbed with Beryllium, March 2015, Materials today Proceedings, Elsevier Publications, Scopus Indexed,
3. Study of recent trends in Graphene based electrode materials for solar cells as energy storage devices and sensor applications International Journal of Research Culture Society, Feb 2018, UGC/ISSN: 2456-6683.
4. First Principles Study of Interactions of Graphene Layer Adsorbed with Beryllium, June 2015, International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Sciences, 2349-7882.
5. Study of Structural, Electronic and optical properties of pure Graphene and Graphene adsorbed with beryllium atoms form DFT calculations, March 2015, International Journal of Atoms and Molecules, 2277-1247
6. properties of two-dimensional silicon di oxide adsorbed on Graphene substrate films for solar cells, Proceedings of second National conference on Materials for specific applications, GRIET, Hyderabad, Jan 29-30,2018, 978-81-928677-2-4.
7. Density Functional Calculations of metals adsorbed on Graphene: A search for high performance Graphene based devices, Proceedings of Fourth National Conference on Applied Physics and Materials Science, Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, March 10-11, 2017.
8. Study on interaction between Bilayer Graphene and SiO2 surface using DFT Calculations, Proceedings of National Conference on Materials for Specific Applications, GRIET Hyderabad, 29-30 March 2016, 978-81-929088-4-7.
9. Photo Degradation of Methylene Blue in Water: using Al2o3 Nanoparticles, Proceedings of second National Conference on water, Environment and Society at JNTU Hyderabad, 20-22 Aug 2015, 978 -93-836358-7-0.
10. Study of Negative Differential Conductance in Graphene Layer Adsorbed with SnCl4 by using DFT Calculations, Proceedings of Third National Conference on Applied Physics and Materials Science, Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, Aug 7-8 2015, 978-93-82570-64-6.
11. DFT Calculations of SnCl4 Adsorption on Graphene, Proceedings of Second National Conference on Applied Physics and Materials Science, Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, Aug 1-2 2014, 978-93-81570-37-0.
12. Analysis of Polarized modes in Silica Fibers, Proceedings of National Conference on Applied Physics and Materials Science, Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, July 19-20 ,2013, 978-93-80570-37-0.
Professional Work
Seminars and Symposiums
1. Work shop on Design Thinking organised by J-Lab Telangana, 8 N0v 2018, GRIET, Hyderabad2. FDP on Contemporary Physics for Engineers & Technologists, 4-6 July 2018, GRIET, Hyderabad
3. A hands on Training on computer simulation technology studio suite and antenna magus,8 May 2018, GRIET, Hyderabad
4. Workshop on SEM, FACTOGRAPHY AND EDS, 15 March 2018, GRIET, Hyderabad.
5. Workshop on IOT and Machine Learning, 1-3 Feb , GRIET, Hyderabad
6. FDP programme on Team Building (ICT Academy), 11-12 Dec 2017, GRIET, Hyderabad
7. Pedagogy for online and blended teaching -learning process (201x), IIT Bombay.
8. Foundation programme in ICT for Education (102X), IIT Bombay
9. workshop on maples product overview-level -1, June 2017, GRIET, Hyderabad
10. FDP programme on Human values and Professional Ethics, June 2017, GRIET, Hyderabad
11. Microsoft certified for technology literacy for educators, may 19 2017, GRIET, Hyderabad
12. Nano, Micro and Bulk Material Processing and Nanotechnology , 20-27 March 2017, GRIET, Hyderabad
13. Communication skills proficiency enhancement program, GRIET, Hyderabad
14. FDP on Human Values and Professional Ethics, GRIET, Hyderabad
15. Two weeks ISTE short term programme on Engineering Physics, Dec 2015, IIT Bombay
16. ISTE STTP Technical Communication by IIT Bombay x, Dec 2015
17. Management Capacity Enhancement Programme at IIM Lucknow, 16-20 Nov 2015.
18. ISTE Workshop on Analog Electronics, IIT Kharagur, 4-14 June 2013.
19. work shop on High Impact Teaching Skills’ attested by Dale Carnegie & Associated, Inc.Trainer and Wipro , 23-24 Aug 2011, GRIET, Hyderabad
20. work shop on Mission 10X conducted by WIPRO at GRIET, 11-27 Aug 2011, GRIET, Hyderabad
Conferences / Workshops/ FDPs Organized
1. As a convenor, organized “FDP on Contemporary Physics for Engineers and Technologists” at GRIET, Hyderabad during 4-6th July 2018.2. As a Organizing Secretary, conducted “Second two day National Conference on Materials for Specific Applications” at GRIET, Hyderabad during 29-30th, January 2018.
3. As a Co-Convener, organized “First two days National Conference on Materials for Specific Applications” at GRIET, Hyderabad during 29-30th, March 2016.
4. As a Co-Convener, Organized “FDP on Light harvesting materials” at GRIET, Hyderabad on 10th, October 2015.
5. Organized “Two days work shop for School teachers Physics Education Outreach to enhance practical skills in Physics” at GRIET, Hyderabad on 19 - 20th June 2010.
1. Life membership in Indian Science Congress Association since 2017.2. Life membership in Material Research Society of India since 2016.